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Farmacéutica VII/ Pharmaceuticals
AUDIO: Click on an underlined word for audio; to hear the word again, click on the PLAY button of the audio player to maximize the use of your computer's resources. More info.

WORDS TO LEARN: Please, repeat aloud each example.

suero ( m ) serum
píldora para dormir ( f ), prep, ( irreg ) sleeping pill
estornudo ( m ) sneeze
tragar ( irreg ) to swallow
jeringa ( f ) syringe



Full Conjugations of Verbs: poner, decir, dormir, tener, tragar, contagiar, compartir


First, click on normal for audio. While it is being downloaded, select the option you consider the most appropriate within the context of the sentence. Click on the arrow for your choices. Please, repeat aloud each example.



1.Cuando , me pusieron un suero intravenoso.

2. "Salud!" cuando una persona estornuda.

3. Las píldoras para dormir muy adictivas.

Doctor, la garganta tan hinchada que no puedo tragar.

5. Muchos drogadictos el SIDA al compartir jeringas


For answers and translations, click HERE




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