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Deportes III / Sports III


1. La vela del Coronado 15 se rajó durante la regata./ The sail of the Coronado 15 was ripped during the regatta.

2. El capitán del barco había perdido su rumbo debido a la tormenta./ The captain of the ship had lost his way due to the storm.

3. Al que ganó el segundo lugar le dieron una medalla de plata./ The person who was in the second place received a silver medal.

4. Apenas termina de nevar, la nieve es demasiado blanda para esquiar./ Right after snowing, the (fresh) powder is too soft to ski on.

5. Rentamos dos motos de nieve a $200 dólares la hora./ We rented two snowmobiles for $200 per hour.



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