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Deportes IVa / Sports IVa

AUDIO: Click on an underlined word for audio; to hear the word again, click on the PLAY button of the audio player to maximize the use of your computer's resources. More info.


LET'S CONJUGATE VERBS: Identify the main verb, and change its conjugation to the following:


*To type directly Spanish characters, click HERE or

*Copy & paste these letters in your answers:

Á É Í Ó Ú Ñ á é í ó ú ñ ¿

AUDIO #1 Maradona y Pelé son dos ídolos del fútbol.(Change the verb to Imperfect Tense.)

AUDIO #2 Antes de mis clases de natación, yo no sabía nadar muy bien. (Change the verb to Imperfect Tense.)

AUDIO #3 Hubo un empate para el tercer lugar. (Change the verb to Future Tense.)

AUDIO #4 El dúo profesional de vóleibol playero dio una exhibición por televisión. (Change the verb to Future Tense.)

AUDIO #5 El caminar es un ejercicio cardiovascular de bajo impacto. (Change the verb to Potential Tense.)



For answers and translations, click HERE


Pair-matching: Enter your answer in the 3rd. column.

a. soccer
b. volleyball
c. to walk
e. to tie



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