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People are willing to help when you ask a question; however, you should be cautious of directions you are given because in their efforts to be helpful, some people won't admit to not knowing the answer and might misdirect you.

  1. North/ norte
  2. South/ sur
  3. West/ oeste
  4. East/ este
  5. after/ después
  6. on the other side of the street/ del otro lado de la calle
  7. avenue/ avenida
  8. behind/ detrás de
  9. between/ entre
  10. boulevard/ bulevar
  11. bridge/ puente
  12. corner/ esquina
  13. downhill/ para abajo
  14. far/ lejos
  15. freeway, highway/ carretera
  16. gas station/ estación de servicios, gasolinería
  17. church/ iglesia
  18. in front of / enfrente de, adelante de
  19. near/ cerca
  20. next to/ a lado de
  21. park/ parque
  22. opposite/ frente a
  23. signals/ señales
  24. stadium/ estadio
  25. street/ calle
  26. uphill/ para arriba

NOTE: Derecha (with a) means right, and derecho (with o) means straight (ahead).

  1. Turn left…/ Doble a la izquierda
  2. Turn right…/ Doble a la derecha
  3. Cross the road…/ Cruce la calle
  1. It's five blocks down./ Está a cinco cuadras.
  2. It's the second street down./ Es la segunda calle.
  3. Go straight ahead./ Siga derecho.
  4. Straight ahead./ Adelante.


Exercise: A short review


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