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Con el Doctor / With the Doctor

Listen carefully and repeat aloud each sentence


¡Buenas tardes, Sr. Gutiérrez! ¡Hola, Pedrito! ¿Cómo estás? (Pedro se esconde detrás del padre) Good afternoon, Mr. Gutierrez! Hello, Pedrito! How are you? (Pedro hides behind his father)
Patient: Buenas tardes, doctora. Pedrito ha tenido una fiebre muy alta desde anoche y no para de toser. Good afternoon, doctor. Pedrito has had a very high fever since last night and can't stop coughing.
Doctor: A ver, Pedrito. Abre la boquita, saca la lengua y di "ah." Let's see, Pedrito. Open you mouth, stick out your tongue and say "ah."
Patient: ¿Cómo está, doctora? How is he, doctor?
Doctor: Tiene una infección de la garganta. A ver, respira profundo. He has a throat infection. Let's see, take a deep breath.
Patient: ¿Se ve muy mal, doctora? How does it look, doctor?
Doctor: No, nada serio. Con un antibiótico y mucho líquido se pondrá bien. Nothing serious. With some antibiotics and plenty of liquids, he will be better.
Patient: Gracias. Estábamos muy preocupados. Thanks. We were very worried.
Doctor: Le voy a recetar penicilina para catorce (14) días. Dele una cucharadita de té cada ocho horas. I am going to prescribe some penicillin for 14 days. Give him a teaspoon every 8 hours.
Patient: Muy bien. Gracias, doctora. Very good. Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: Hasta luego. ¡Chau, Pedrito! See you later. Bye, Pedrito!



1) Comprehension: This exercise will test your understanding of this dialog.


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