|Lessons |Verbs| Dialogs|Travel |Vocabulary |Grammar |Downloads |Registration ||Home |Comments|
- ¿Cuántas personas fueron a almorzar? / How many people went for lunch?
- Fueron dos. / Two people went.
- ¿Por qué el cliente pide que los cambie de mesa? / Why does the guest ask for another table?
- No quería estar tan cerca del baño. / He didn't want to sit so close to the bathroom.
- ¿Les agrada la segunda mesa? / Do they like the second table?
- Sí, les agrada. / Yes, they like it.
- ¿Qué les dice la anfitriona al final? / What does the hostess tell them at the end?
- Les dice que ya les manda a su mesero. / She tells them that she'll send their waiter.
|Lessons |Verbs| Dialogs|Travel |Vocabulary |Grammar |Downloads |Links |Registration |Home |Comments|
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