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Durante la Entrevista


  1. ¿Cuánto hacía que Pablo trabajaba en la compañía actual? / How long has Pablo worked at his current job?
    • Hacía tres (3) años que trabajaba en la compañía actual. / He has been working at his current job for 3 years.


  1. ¿Cuándo lo ascendieron? / When did they last promote him?
    • Lo ascendieron hace siete meses. / They promoted him seven months ago.

  3. ¿A qué lo ascendieron? / What did they promote him to?
    • Lo ascendieron a gerente de mercadotecnia. / He was promoted to Marketing Manager.

  5. ¿Qué cualidades Pablo considera como sus peores? / What qualities does Pablo consider his worst?
    • La tendencia a asumir demasiadas responsabilidades para él mismo. / He thinks he takes on too much by himself.

  7. ¿Y cómo va a superar este problema? / And how is he going to solve this problem?
    • Lo va a superar delegando más. / He is going to solve this problem by delegating more.


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