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a. ENTRE is used to indicate a relationship between two or more things or people:
- Es un secreto entre Juan y yo./ It is a secret between Juan and me.
- Es un secreto entre Juan, Alba y yo./ It is a secret among Juan, Alba, and me.
b. ENTRE is used with reciprocal verbs, such as entender/to understand:
- Cuando hablan chino entre ellos no entiendo nada./ When they speak Chinese among themselves, I don't understand a thing.
c. ENTRE is used to group people or things as a total number:
- Entre billetes y monedas, tengo $10,50*./ Including bills and coins, I have $10.50. *In Spanish, the comma is used to indicate decimal places and the period to separate whole numbers into groups of three (thousand, million, billion, etc.) More info.
d. ENTRE is used to express cooperative efforts:
Terminamos el proyecto entre los dos./ We finished the project between the two of us.
LESSONS: Maintenance II & Maintenance IIa.
XI. HACIA / toward, towards, to
a. HACIA is used to indicate direction, such as towards, inward, upward:
- Es preferible que las puertas se abren hacia afuera (hacia adentro, hacia arriba)./ It's preferable if doors open outwards (inwards, upwards).
- Hubo mucha fuga del capital hacia el exterior./ There was a lot of flight of capital (towards) abroad.
b. HACIA is used to express proximity; it means towards:
Hacia el fin de año, las ventas subieron./Towards the end of the year, sales increased.
LESSONS: Manufacturing I & Manufacturing Ia.
a. HASTA is used to express time; it means until:
- ¿Hasta qué hora se quedan?/ Until what time are you staying?
- Hasta hace unos meses, pesaba 55 kilos./ Up until a few months, I used to weight 55 kilos.
b. HASTA is used to express distance; it means to:
- Viajamos en tren desde La Paz hasta Buenos Aires./ We traveled by train from La Paz to Buenos Aires.
c. HASTA is used in greetings:
- Hasta mañana./ See you tomorrow.
- Hasta el año que viene./ See you next year.
LESSONS: Manufacturing II & Manufacturing IIa.
a. PARA is used to express an intention or purpose:
- El socio tenía malas noticias para los empleados./ The partner had bad news for the employees.
- Lee para ti./ Read to yourself.
b. PARA is used to express a culmination of something:
- Para el colmo llovió./ On top of everything else, it rained.
c. PARA is used to express a consequence or effect:
- Para nuestra sorpresa, nos aumentaron el sueldo./ To our surprise, we got a salary increase.
- Para la desgracia de la empresa, la competencia remató las mercaderías a precios más bajos./ Unfortunately for the company, its competition liquidated their merchandise at lower prices.
d. PARA is used to express direction:
- Saldremos para el aeropuerto./ We'll leave for the airport.
- Vamos para su casa./ We are going to his house.
e. PARA is used to indicate a period of time, such as duration, specific date, or approximate date:
- Tengo para rato./ I am going to be a while.
- Tiene que estar listo para el 5 de marzo./ It has to be ready for March 5.
- Edén piensa casarse para octubre./ Eden plans to get married by October.
LESSONS: Manufacturing III & Manufacturing IIIa.
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